Signs and Symptoms of ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs in children, teens, and adults. A person may display a range of symptoms with ADHD, and not everyone expresses them in the same way. Although ADHD is usually diagnosed during childhood, with the average age for diagnosis being seven years old, ADHD isn’t a children’s condition that vanishes with age. The symptoms and presentation of ADHD can change as children get older, but ADHD is a life-long condition.
Here are some of the basic telltale symptoms of ADHD that can occur in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
Signs of ADHD in Children and Teens
Children and teens dealing with ADHD often have a short attention span and are easily distracted. They have difficulty paying attention to detail, make careless mistakes, are forgetful, have difficulty listening to instructions, and often lose things. The hyperactivity part in this disorder may cause them to constantly fidget, excessively talk, interrupt conversations, act without thinking, and constantly run around or feel the need to always be on the go.
It is important to point out that ADHD does not discriminate against gender, but statistics show that boys are twice as likely to get an ADHD diagnosis than girls. This is because girls present ADHD more subtly and naturally develop better coping strategies to disguise their symptoms.
Symptoms of ADHD in Adults
ADHD is a developmental disorder; therefore, it cannot appear in adulthood without first appearing in childhood. In the case of adults, five or more symptoms will often be present, possibly in a subtler form. These symptoms include difficulty dealing with stress, restlessness, difficulty focusing, inability to prioritize tasks, interrupting others, mood swings, irritability, and difficulty staying quiet.
It may be surprising when adults diagnosed from a young age tell you they have ADHD because their symptoms aren’t obvious. This is usually because they have become experts at managing their condition with coping techniques or medication.
If you suspect you or a loved one are battling ADHD, Hope Counseling can help. We offer psychological assessment services to individuals and families looking to find the root cause behind specific behaviors. ADHD testing is a service we offer to figure out the next steps on your mental health journey.
Contact our practice today for more information on ADHD testing and other psychological assessment services!