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Signs Your Family Could Benefit from Counseling

All families have conflict; it’s a part of being a group of people with individual personalities, goals, and needs. However, when conflicts become too large to resolve and manifest into dysfunction within the family unit, you may benefit from some outside help. Here are a few signs you may want to consider family counseling!  … Read more »

The Ego: Can We Really Take It or Leave It? defines “ego” as “the ‘I’ or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.” It goes on to say that the definition in psychoanalysis is “the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the… Read more »

Mental Illness and Creativity: Is There a Connection?

A great many creative people – artists, poets, musicians, even philosophers – have been thought to be mad since ancient times. Some cultures honored their eccentrics, the “different” ones, but others often had them put in asylums or even executed as witches. Obviously times have changed since then and society has become much more open… Read more »

Rethinking Mental Illness

  All throughout history, individuals with mental illnesses have been marginalized, if not brutalized and shunned. In ancient times, the mentally ill were often seen as possessed by demons, or in league with the devil, and as a result, were put to death. It is a sad commentary on world perception, that the mentally ill… Read more »

Scared to see a counselor?

Being scared to seek counseling is really common. After all, we’ve been taught that we should solve our own problems! Sometimes overcoming the realization that we need help isn’t an easy thing to do. Even if whatever your challenge is isn’t serious, admitting that we can’t fix the situation ourselves is difficult. Maybe you know… Read more »

What to Do if You Have a “Problem Child”

A Problem Child will take his or her toll on family, teachers, and anyone who may have authority over the kid.  Mostly, kids in general have trouble expressing their emotions and in some cases, kids may feel like they can’t be honest about feelings or they might be in trouble. Now, add any other stress… Read more »