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Three Major Psychological Problems in AMC’s Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad” recently won Best Drama Series for a good reason. The journey from white to black was a traumatic one, and the show is actually very accurate when it comes to displaying how a human would react to these situations in real life. To say goodbye to TV’s best emotional roller coaster, we’ll cover a few of the psychological catastrophes in the show.

Notice: We mention spoilers, be careful if you’re not current with the show, as ruining the experience is another psychological catastrophe for a different day.


A recent episode started with a flashback to Walt’s earlier days, when he was still himself, and it starts with the first lie he ever told about his new life. This shows us how that person still channels in through Walt sometimes, which is why we love and hate him all within a span of about twelve seconds. The idea is he could be compartmentalizing another part of himself, the part he lost with Grey Matter. You can see the change vividly in a more recent event, when he called Skylar on the phone, fighting tears back to assault her with a slew of insults, which conveniently exonerate her. The show, coupled with Cranston’s exceptional acting skills, created a highly emotional scene that told us something good might still be inside of him. By the end of last week’s episode, we learned that Heisenberg might have completely taken over. In earlier episodes, it seemed that the cancer was the catalyst to his behavior, but it’s possible that this personality transformation is a result of deep-seated anger and resentment and a passion for chemistry.

Walt from Breaking Bad

The Problem: Personality disorder, possible Schizophrenia, anger, God Complex
The Solution: Walter White would need to turn himself in, and seek professional help while under custody. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have much time left, so it’s safe to say Walt is gone for good.


Jesse’s drug addiction and lifestyle have always been the bane of his existence, and for a while, we all wanted him to get better. Everyone wants nothing more than a good, happy life for Jesse. Unfortunately, for him, after torture and losing everyone he’s ever loved, it’s likely he’ll return to a life of drug abuse and crime. A happy conclusion for him would entail a lot of therapy and love, which everyone is rooting for. The Bad News? With one episode left, it doesn’t seem likely. Aside from seeing death around every corner, we have to remember that Jesse was abjured by his parents, and he still has PTSD from shooting Gale.

Jesse from Breaking Bad

The Problem: PTSD, Depression, Drug Addiction, Torture, and Kidnapping
The Solution: In order for Jesse to have a fighting chance, Brock needs to make it out of next week’s episode alive. If all goes well, Jessie could return to rehab, manage a deal with the DEA, and (hopefully) move on to a happy, new life.


Skylar’s act of an abused spouse may be more than a ploy to get out of trouble. It’s possible that since the moment Walt told her that he is “the one who knocks”, she’s been terrified to make her own decisions. It’s also possible that she feels the same way we all did in the first season, sympathetic and understanding of his reasoning and motives.

Skylar from Breaking Bad

The Problem: Domestic Abuse Victim
Solution: Do everything to use what Walt gave her to move on to a good life with the children, seek outpatient therapy and life counseling.


We don’t have enough time for Todd.

Problem: Everything

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