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Overcoming Stigma: The Importance of Seeking Help for Addiction

Addiction is a complex disease that affects not only the individual struggling with it but also their families, friends, and communities. Even though addiction affects a vast number of people, there is still a stigma for those dealing with it, which can stop a lot of people from getting the help they need. Getting rid… Read more »

Why In-Person Counseling Remains Essential in a Digital Age

In today’s world, with digital communication being so prevalent, it is easy to overlook the importance of in-person interactions. This is particularly true in the field of counseling, where the shift toward online therapy has gained ground. Despite the convenience and accessibility of digital counseling options, in-person counseling still holds a unique and irreplaceable value…. Read more »

How Counselors Help Break Down Mental Health Stigma

In our society, there are often significant obstacles for individuals seeking help for mental health issues due to stigma. Misunderstandings, misconceptions, and prejudice can lead to isolation, silence, and suffering. However, counselors play an important role in challenging and breaking down these barriers! What Is Mental Health Stigma? Mental health stigma refers to the negative… Read more »

Common Misconceptions About the Counseling Profession

There’s no denying that the counseling profession plays a vital role in society, offering support and guidance to people during their most vulnerable times. However, like any field, it isn’t free from misconceptions that may deter potential counselors or affect clients’ perceptions. Here are a few myths about the counseling profession debunked! Counseling is Just… Read more »

Important Questions to Ask Your New Therapist

It takes courage and strength to decide to go to therapy. You should be proud of yourself for even considering ways to invest in your mental health and relationships with others. Seeking therapy means you are ready to welcome more positive change into your life.  If you are new to therapy and are unsure how… Read more »